Monthly Archives: April 2012

11 days or 40 years? (written late April)


It took 11 days to bring the children of Israel to the brink of the promised land. It was decided that scouts would check it out. Most returned with negative and fearful reports, save one or two.
They listened to the majority, even though they were told by God that the land was theirs for the taking. In response to this rejection, God made them turn around and wonder the wilderness for 40 years until a generation passed away.


Many of us go through this metaphorically. There’s something we want to do or a promise we expect to come to fruition. On the brink of receiving the thing or the promise we want/expect. We put out feelers, cast out a few lines.
Most of them become taunt with discouragement, but a few are easy to reel back in.  We freak out! We get frightened. We back way up telling ourselves this isn’t God’s will.

to come